Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Next step in the Epic Journey of Life

My first blog, where to even start?

I have decided I should blog for a multitude of reasons. The person that told me I need to start blogging (and I actually listened to her) is someone that I haven't known for long but I really admire. She had the strength to move abroad to China when she was 27 years old (like me) and has made an amazing life out of traveling, loving and experiencing the world. She has lived through the experiences that I worry about the most, from losing a loved one back home, to meeting her soul mate, to finding a path in life that allows her to follow her passions. I have thought, many times, "WOW" I want to do that. And she kicked me in the pants, as we were having dinner on my last Wednesday night in Taipei. "Why not?" She asked.

"Why not?"

It's funny because that's the answer I give to so many people, all the time, when they ask why live abroad, why live in Asia, why leave a life that you loved with friends and family that are amazing.... Why not?! Well, she threw the same question back at me and after mulling it over for a week, I decided... well... ok. Nothing to stop me, no reason to start but no reason not to start.

So here it is, my personal blog about living in the world, experiencing each moment and reminding myself that I love my life. I loved it in Seattle, WA, I loved it in Cambodia, I love it now here in Taiwan (even though it got off to a rocky start here on this island paradise). I have exactly 24 hours left in Taiwan before I leave for the next step in my adventure.

My next post will be about my experience here.... but that's to be saved for another day (or time when I'm sitting at the airport with nothing but homework to do.. Because we all know that creating a blog is much more important than homework for my masters degree!)

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